Omg, I am so addicted to Bad Romance by Lady Gaga. But then as usual, the MV quite "unusual", just like her other Hits like er, Just Dance, Poker Face and Paparazzi :D but still, I love them all :D I bet it's going to top the charts again. Her songs very addictive orhs. Ohyahs, just thinking, the wish-list for 2010 also can be my Birthday & Christmas wish-list for 2009. Heh heh heh >:] thanks to my bro for that awesome idea. Hahahaha ((: no lurhs. jkjk only. But then if you really buy right, yah, thanks a million! :D
Me is going to spend my 13th birthday over at Malaysia ._. Pathetic. My mom apparently forgot about my birthday and book the dates and resulting me to celebrate my birthday over there. With my dam freaking obese cousin. Hah. Pathetic goose. But then at least there are animals in my AhMah's backyard. Can slaughter one chicken for me to eat!! XD
Ohyahs, as heard from my Bro from his previous trip to there, there are chicks there too! Gosh, me is so going to look forward to meeting those animals :D Yah. I am looking forward more to those animals at our backyard than my relatives.
Hey, maybe there's an exception. My two younger cousins (: They very cute. Hahahahaa :D Gonna walk to their house every evening and play with them!
I am going to bring my HCL holiday homework over there to do. Haven't started on it yet. Estimation rate- 3 chapters per day. So yah. Should be able to complete over 10 + days, in other words, like about 2 weeks. Estimation niarhs. Don't freak out. Hahahahah :D maybe i will be slacking there, who noes? :D
Looking forward to boarding a plane again. It has been so long that I haven't been on one. Miss the feeling le orhs. Hahahahaha ((: I wan scare the shyte of my cousin by bringing my Bro's GP book over there and tell that dumb cousin of mine that is the book that Singapore expects 13 year olds to study in school.
He's gonna scream. :D Oyahs. He dam qian bian de lo. He made my mum so mad that she slapped him infront of his dad. Good. I hope that slap made those fats on his piug face reduce by 20 percent. Poor Mum. Her hand must be suffering. Good job anywayz :D I am wondering how those wooden chairs over at my ahmah house could tolerate his size and weight. Wells. Must be a miracle. Forget ask Bro how many holes did he made on the floor tiles.
Oh yah. Never ever go for class outings. It's not an advice, but a WARNING. ~
~I want your loving. All your love is revenge. You and me could write a bad romance. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh! Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh! Caught in a bad romance~
Bad Romance. How, very very... ADDICTIVE :D

*waves bath towel in the air*