Yesterday was AWESOME :D
Keep laughing during P.E because I obviously didn't know how to dance.
Maybe I dance like duck liddat wahahaha.. Then I cannot stop laughing.
People must be thinking I lost my brain somewhere LOL.
Just remembered when we're outside the I.T lab that Mr Nick left us alr ):
Now the female teacher I cannot shout at her le. I.T now like not that fun lerhs. Blehs.
Slept my recess away whilst Tammy did her Zuo Ye.
Went back to class to try to collect all the class funds cos' Miss Lim wants it by her lesson.
Counting the money... Then she appeared out of now where scare me -.- Told her that I wld collect it asap by next week. Dozed off during her Lesson :x i kept dozing off in her lessons. She would call my dad one day -.-
HCL wheeez :D So fun without the boys wahahaha. Cher dunwan go thru biji cos too little people around :D SUCCESS :D wahaha since i never finish.
Ate Chicken rice & Onion rings for lunch, and proceeded to hail for a cab by the roadside with Tam & Glenna :D Glenna mum's sponser her so we sit :D initially wanted to help her pay de.. But then... Reached and chatted alot of nonsense there. The cheer booklet quite pathetic. LOL. But then the size dam cute lurs. Then rained & sunshine & rained & sunshine again (:
OHOH our school super awesome. Won the Competition cheer the 3rd time in a row. WHEEZ!
& our School did dam well for the different events also :)
Wheeez then went to eat KFC with Tam & pri sch mates. First time in my life I decided to peel off the skin of the chicken and dig away all the fats & oil on the chicken. I am getting health conscious. Home Economics amazingly changed my brain.
Fell asleep on MRT as usual.
Didn't want to go tuition at first but Bro offered to fetch me there so yeahs haha.
Did my work dead slowly today.
Got home, wanted to sleep but found the com so tempting. Arhs (: