Today finished Math Hw, left with Hcl and El. Sianzx. Have to bring to overseas to do. Too bad because I am a slacker :( Even Mum agrees. Hahahaha :) Nvm, becoz I think I am going to get real bored over there. So yahs. Do some homework and maybe knitting :D Knitting is suggested by mum -.- I don't think its fun. Nvm. Its thoughtful of her! :D
Tammy gave me her drawing disease, now I want to draw more and more flowers :D But I am really bad at coloring. That's why I love shading so much :) my school worksheets, have shadings all over them. Especially Mathematics :X
Bro is watching a Jap animae, it is nice siarh. Hahahaha :D
This post is dead boring. Haizx. Can't help it if my language ability is limited :) Heh heh, shall complete one chapter of Hcl homework first, then go to bed! So yahs, buaie baies!
Just a few more days,
just a few more days.

*waves bath towel in the air*