December 29 2009, said on
i now in switzerland lucerne o_o going bak to sg soon~~ 1st Jan night time. sigh o_o what choc u like arh == i thinking till wan die lo == ................................ pfft, so heng i can on ebuddy ==" alamak. i will sms u when i reach sg de. dun worry :D and dun do chinese ty :D :D :D ~~~ i also sent alot of offline messages to glenna and josephine. u ask them wad i wrote lor XD now here is 10.30pm liddat. psssh. okay thenn. byes o_o
u can reply me... i hope i can on laptop again tmr night. ): cuz i staying in this free internet hotel for 2 nights only. kns == okay byes o.o take caree o.o ~
i now in switzerland lucerne o_o going bak to sg soon~~ 1st Jan night time. sigh o_o what choc u like arh == i thinking till wan die lo == ................................ pfft, so heng i can on ebuddy ==" alamak. i will sms u when i reach sg de. dun worry :D and dun do chinese ty :D :D :D ~~~ i also sent alot of offline messages to glenna and josephine. u ask them wad i wrote lor XD now here is 10.30pm liddat. psssh. okay thenn. byes o_o
u can reply me... i hope i can on laptop again tmr night. ): cuz i staying in this free internet hotel for 2 nights only. kns == okay byes o.o take caree o.o ~
Tammy :D Yays! Offline Messsaged the three of us :D wooh! I requested for a birthday present >:] because this year everyone got into the holiday spirit and no one gave me presents D: *cries* Specifically Yiru and Kylie and Desmond !! :D LOL.
Desmond the most evil de. I gave him 16 bananas for his 16th Birthday! Somemore he like yellow D: But then at least he got wish me happy birthday before he went for his holiday. :D YIRU AND KYLIE!! Say want celebrate my brithday and then in the end forget D: *slaps* lols. 不够朋友!><
:D But then dam lot of you wished me happy birthday!! yays! hahaha today dunno why so hyper. Maybe coz Tammy Offline msged me :D hyper. Lols.
Tmr going out with Yiru and Kylie. Going to scold them. Yahs espicially Yiru :D wahahaha.
Facebook and MSN screwed up again, dam sian lols.