I don't even know he has a gf till today after 9 months of knowing him.. o.o yah. But then Charmie worse, know him 2 yrs le also dunno.. Is today she n me ask him what he planning to do when he reach singapore on 29 December on msn, wan gathering or what.
Desmond say: "Maybe nxt yr lar. I going out with Jennifer the last days of 2009"
Me say: "Who's jennifer o.o never heard of her siarh o.o"
Charmie say: "His sis larrs, then who u think pig head"
Me say: "Huh? he have sister?!?!! O.O"
Desmond say: "Stcu lar char guo tiao. My sis name is Jessica la idiot."
Charmie say: "Really meh? sai who is jenni then"
Me say: "@_@ since when he have sister @_@"
Charmie say: "Pighead, since the day his sister was born la."
Me say: "Then his sis is Jessica who is Jennifer? @_@"
Charmie say: "Pighead u think i knoe? if i knoe dunnid ask him liao right pighead"
Desmond say: "She mygirlfriend -.-" "
Me say: "wah sei!! NEVER TELL US. HOW LONG LIAO ^^"
Desmond say: "F--- u charmie tan nab3i"
Desmond say: "3 yrs?..."
Charmie say: "How the hell someone like you wd hav gf... AND 3 YRS STILL 2GTR?"
Me say: "Wah... not bad ah desmond hahahahaaa pretty or not?"
Charmie say: "That poor gal muz be blind."
Desmond say: "EH STOP IT HUOR. "
Me say: "Lols... she kidding niarh."
Charmie say: "dont jidong... eh shw us picx eh."
Me say: "Harnor harnor"
Chamie say: "B4 i start to spam..."
Desmond say: "Fine... Anything."
Me say: "kns. so fast give in. no fun de T.T"
Charmie say: "shutup pighead i wan see! walalalalalala!"
Me say: "kns T.T u stole my walalala T.T"
Charmie say: "anything pighead"
Then Charmie continued being reporter while my msn crash T.T
Lucky she saved the pic for me to see siol.
Desmond's 3yrs gf really dam pretty ehs ^^ He quite good looking also eh. No wonder last time when one girl say she like him he say he's taken.
We though that he was just trying to scare the girl away. ><
-Under the request of Charmie-