First 1 hour- Form Teacher Contact Time. Our report books are not out yet though, today is just about confirming our results & stuffs like that on the Teacher's desk computer.
After that was Classroom Games :D Post exams activity organized by Class Managers (: Two games only though, not much time. First was H2O :D Hahaha dam fun cans? Even though didn't really participated in it, people got sabo-ed like omg mans. HAHA :D Run here run there!
NEWSPAPER GAME NEXT :) The Sec 3 Class Managers divided the classroom into 8 'territories' for us & split the class into 8 groups. Got into group 5 with Chris, Mandy, Chuan Wei & Aloysius :D Had 5 tasks, all need is about newpapers one. Hehehe.
First Task: We have to find stated phrases in the Straits Times Newspapers... Freaking hard cans? LOL. Our group like messing up the newspapers.. In the end cannot find any ><
Second Task: Shred the newspapers and make the highest tower :D OWNAGE (: heheh. Chuan Wei & Aloysius dam co-operative :D Next time if cannot find job can go be office shredding machines HOHO. (:
Third Task: Have the smallest pile of newspaper. Throwing newspapers to other groups like crazy! :D :D Chris and Mandy both dam good at this, HAHA. The other 2 also LOL. The boys like mad alr, keep grabbing newspapers with their hands and throw at others. LOL DAM FUN. Mandy & me like brushing away newspapers in our area (: OWNAGE AGAIN :D small small pile only :D
Fourth Task: Make the largest pile. HAHAHA. We stuffed all the newspapers we grabbed into the corner of of our area, just nice got a cupboard close to the corner, can stuff & other group can't take them so easily :D Me guarded them well, even resorted to violence to hit Bryan non-stop on his arm LOL. Cos of some reasons what... He snatch my newspapers & smore hit my... ><
Fifth Task: Find 2 phrases/ words in the SHREDDED pile of newspapers we have omg. Haha! Didnt bother to do this task, LOL (: too much newspaper alr. Then clearing the newspapers within the fastest timing :D fun!!
Then Recess from 1025-1105... Ate Wanton Noodles ( sponsored by Glenna :D ) heh heh :D Went to Hall after that for assembly, about some talk on New Zealand Trip for students at the end of the year & Skincare stuff. Picked up the application form for the Trip :D Hope that I can go even though my Science results aren't that great, and it doesn't crash with Choir Laos Trip {?} Free Samples at the end of the Skincare talk, (Y) : Fell asleep during the talk for the beginning and decided to walk out of the Hall with Tammy till assembly's gonna end :D
Choir, have to learn the new version of the Temasek Symphony. Darius Lim renamed it to Trianta. The song changed alot, ALOT. -.- Freaking hell, its like learning a whole new song.
During Sop 1 & 2 sectionals, Myra & XinYi leading us. Got scolded like a hell lot of times by Xinyi. Tammy & I were practically sleeping though. Hah >:] Learn it for the whole day from 2.30 till 6, but the whole of Choir can't perfect it still. So here goes our June Holidays -.- Have to come back for Choir Practices :/
Sat bus with Dawn & Sophia :D Chatted alot, and walked with Sophia (: Saw my Happy Meal Toy Doaremon chasing a Dorayaki on my table.

LOL! Hahaha Thanks (:
21 May 10, 20:14- JOSEPHINE:D: tagged (: why u mia ?
Hahaha today post I type until dam long. Sry :( haha ^^