Heys :D Started today with no tuition, awesome. Tuition teacher went Europe. Guess I have to have the make up lessons during June Holidays I presume.
Woke up at 1 plus in the afternoon, didn't feel that good. Hahaha :D
My June Holidays ARE PACKED. I vet I can't even enjoy myself la. So many choir practices, and 3 projects -.- Science, Geography & English.
Sorry to Josephine ): cant go work with her lerhs. Mum don't let... ):
I hate it how they always make me feel so small when being compared to him.
I hate it when they make it seem that I am lousier than him.
I hate it when they say he deserves better stuff than I do.
I hate it how they make me feel this way.

*waves bath towel in the air*