:D 15 mins before going to changi airport. So yahs. See yah people! Don't miss me oks? Jkjk :D Me would try to reply u asap if u sms me, coz i will only sms you when i reach Miri. :D So yahs, BYE :D You guys have great holidays too!! :)) -JiaYun :))
Wednesday, November 25, 2009, 8:41 AM |
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Today finished Math Hw, left with Hcl and El. Sianzx. Have to bring to overseas to do. Too bad because I am a slacker :( Even Mum agrees. Hahahaha :) Nvm, becoz I think I am going to get real bored over there. So yahs. Do some homework and maybe knitting :D Knitting is suggested by mum -.- I don't think its fun. Nvm. Its thoughtful of her! :D Tammy gave me her drawing disease, now I want to draw more and more flowers :D But I am really bad at coloring. That's why I love shading so much :) my school worksheets, have shadings all over them. Especially Mathematics :X Bro is watching a Jap animae, it is nice siarh. Hahahaha :D This post is dead boring. Haizx. Can't help it if my language ability is limited :) Heh heh, shall complete one chapter of Hcl homework first, then go to bed! So yahs, buaie baies! Just a few more days,just a few more days.JUST A FEW MORE DAYS! :D
Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 12:37 AM |
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Going Malaysia soon :D Yeahs. Suddenly dam dam happy. I am gonna miss my com D: Hope can buy prepaid card there, at least can sms people :D Hope can finish Math by tmr :D Hahaha okies, dunnidd read further le, below is my checklist only. So yahs, me go ahmah house now, buaie baies :) Don't miss me okays? Hahahaha jkjk :D Before trip remember to : - Charge handphone; bring charger along - Charge MP4; bring charger along - Pack in Hcl Homework & E-dictionary - 2 Packets of tissue in sling bag - Jacket in sling bag - Story book/ readers digest in sling bag - Wallet in sling bag
During trip remember to: - Check out if Greatest Hits album by Enrique Iglesias is out - Check whether PSP (Purple/White) is cheaper at Malaysia - Do Hcl homework - Take pictures of chickens and how animals are slaughtered (for tammy )
After trip remember to: - Bring home EVERYTHING :D
Sunday, November 22, 2009, 6:39 PM |
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<<3:49>> I just got scolded by Mum for some odd reason ._. I kept quiet throughout the whole scolding. My temper is getting better :D That's a very very good piece of news. Bad news is that Mum is refusing to talk to me. And when she talks to me most likely she is gonna scold me. So yah, cross my fingers and hope she would ignore me :D Till the next day. Or maybe, till when she had calmed down. For now, my life is at risk.
Saturday, November 21, 2009, 3:45 PM |
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Omg, my brain want to explode le. I have been torturing my brain cells by thinking all these quotes, "Hear Me" There's a meaning behind it! :) Oks, so yahs. They are 100% creations of Lew Jia Yun :D pro right? Hahahaha :D Yeaps, the blog skin is edited alot from its initial design. Like the "updates" part, nice? :D I love it for some reason. Initial un-edited design: http://www.blogskins.com/apply.php?sid=305132&action=Previewand compare it to lovewithin-jy.blogspot.com now :) Nice or not? Hahahaha, praising myself now. Gosh. Its 12:21, tomorrow still have tuition. Oks, buaie baies people. -JiaYun
Omg, I am so addicted to Bad Romance by Lady Gaga. But then as usual, the MV quite "unusual", just like her other Hits like er, Just Dance, Poker Face and Paparazzi :D but still, I love them all :D I bet it's going to top the charts again. Her songs very addictive orhs. Ohyahs, just thinking, the wish-list for 2010 also can be my Birthday & Christmas wish-list for 2009. Heh heh heh >:] thanks to my bro for that awesome idea. Hahahaha ((: no lurhs. jkjk only. But then if you really buy right, yah, thanks a million! :D Me is going to spend my 13th birthday over at Malaysia ._. Pathetic. My mom apparently forgot about my birthday and book the dates and resulting me to celebrate my birthday over there. With my dam freaking obese cousin. Hah. Pathetic goose. But then at least there are animals in my AhMah's backyard. Can slaughter one chicken for me to eat!! XD Ohyahs, as heard from my Bro from his previous trip to there, there are chicks there too! Gosh, me is so going to look forward to meeting those animals :D Yah. I am looking forward more to those animals at our backyard than my relatives. Hey, maybe there's an exception. My two younger cousins (: They very cute. Hahahahaa :D Gonna walk to their house every evening and play with them! I am going to bring my HCL holiday homework over there to do. Haven't started on it yet. Estimation rate- 3 chapters per day. So yah. Should be able to complete over 10 + days, in other words, like about 2 weeks. Estimation niarhs. Don't freak out. Hahahahah :D maybe i will be slacking there, who noes? :D Looking forward to boarding a plane again. It has been so long that I haven't been on one. Miss the feeling le orhs. Hahahahaha ((: I wan scare the shyte of my cousin by bringing my Bro's GP book over there and tell that dumb cousin of mine that is the book that Singapore expects 13 year olds to study in school. He's gonna scream. :D Oyahs. He dam qian bian de lo. He made my mum so mad that she slapped him infront of his dad. Good. I hope that slap made those fats on his piug face reduce by 20 percent. Poor Mum. Her hand must be suffering. Good job anywayz :D I am wondering how those wooden chairs over at my ahmah house could tolerate his size and weight. Wells. Must be a miracle. Forget ask Bro how many holes did he made on the floor tiles. Oh yah. Never ever go for class outings. It's not an advice, but a WARNING. ~ ~I want your loving. All your love is revenge. You and me could write a bad romance. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh! Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh! Caught in a bad romance~ Bad Romance. How, very very... ADDICTIVE :D
Friday, November 20, 2009, 5:16 PM |
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Going for tuition les. Just a quick post. Hahaha, me gonna be rich on Friends for sale on FB.  Hahahaha I am being bought over and over again between 2 ang morhs. ^-^ Hhaahaha oks, thats all. Preety boring for this week. Buaie Baies People~ XD Jia Yun
Sunday, November 15, 2009, 12:48 PM |
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Yoz peeps (: Me back again le orhs. Came back tonight to type my 2010 wish-list. But then right, after second thought, like very early lehs. Never mind, hahaha (: Just type. Maybe me next year going to be very busy and forget ehs? And my memory is failing me all these while. *sighs* So when I want to refresh my memory next year can just come here :) so clever siol. hahaha (: WISH LISTEE done by JiaYun - Low Kay Hwa's novels! All 7 of them!
- Lots of pretty colored ink pens
- Files for each subject & a sturdy one for general purposes.
- Notebooks. Nice ones with/out lines
- New water bottle
- Colored Paper
- New E-Dictionary
- 4 more Eeyore soft toys
- Name labels for my stationery
- Brand new set of house keys along with preferred keychain.
- New wallet
- Better quality hairbands
Those novels are on my wishlist since P3 but always seem to forget to make a trip down to Plaza Singapura to purchase one. I just can't seem to get enough of pretty pens (: My file for this year is out to kill me. Its full of worksheets for different subjects which made my bag heavier and my backbone problem worse. One file for each subject, and all in my locker this time. Notebooks! To doodle on, I can't live with doodle-ed on worksheets for revision anymore. Or write important stuff on it. Or whatsoever. My old Pink and big water bottle is one thing I hate most in my life. Colored paper because I always run out of them? Hahaha (: My present E-Dictionary sucks. And it is only bought at the start of the year, what are Creative making nowadays. Just 4 Medium sized Eeyores. There's not enough space in my room to handle all the soft toys. Name labels to make them look more neat. heh. My old keys are in a really bad condition. I need a nicer looking keychain with it. Because I got sick of my wallet? It's amazing how I tie my hair up to a reasonable height but it always drop down to my neck when I reach school. I hate retying my hair, I could only bear to do it every morning for 10 minutes. Dam dam troublesome. Need better hairbands to replace my present lousy ones. And most of these old stuff that are replaced are in PINK. Gross. Purple nicer. Idk what got into my head to buy pink stuff at what so ever age. Regretted it so much now. Haizx.
Friday, November 13, 2009, 10:01 PM |
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Yoz people back again :D yesterday too overly emotional le, me admit that. I just finished one of my tuition work, initially the homework for last week. But Couldn't manage to finish, and i left one question for my teacher to answer. Too tough for me. And couldn't finish this week's hoemework also. . . Nvm, shall "question" my tuition teacher. Can't help it mahs. Algebra one of my weakest topic. Then yahs. Tomorrow have to sit a 45 minute bus ride to Roxy Square, and its dead dead boring bus ride from Bedok Interchange. But nvm. I love long bus rides (: So yah, shall blog till nows, seeyahs people ((:
Thursday, November 12, 2009, 9:29 PM |
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YOH PEOPLE! XD Blog reopened le. Hahaha (: But won't be blogging too regularly, lots of stuff to do. And my private blog (: heh heh >:] So yahs, only if that day I am free then i would update this blog. So yahs, don't expect too much from her oks? :D Oks, midnite le, dun feel like typing so much. Hahahaha ((: Seeyahs (: JIAYUN!
Saturday, November 7, 2009, 11:27 PM |
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welcome Thank yous for coming here dearies
*waves bath towel in the air*
Profile JIA {♥} YUN TryReadingMyThoughts
She listens to the radio, & all the songs she used to know. Typical girl that ties her hair up in a ponytail & adores colorful markers. Doodles & scribbles everywhere, and find the color Purple beautiful.
Previously a Kong Hwa-ian till '08 & a Temasek-ian since '09. Sings for passion, sing for pleasure & sing for her CCA. Likes to see pretty raindrops slide down her glass windows and leave their water marks. Would drown if the ship she's on sinks.
Look at her reflection carefully, what do you see? (: